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Kingdok Slayer? Fone Bone and Smiley have returned to the valley and are reunited with Thorn. Meanwhile, rumors are running rampant that Kingdok is dead... and Fone Bone has killed him! Afterall, everyone knows that Kingdok's already paid an arm to fight the Bone cousins, now has he paid with his life? But as with all silver lining's there's some clouds around, and this time it appears in the form of rat creatures who apparantly aren't stupid. Can Fone Bone fight off the new menace?

What has happened before....

After being run out of Boneville, the three Bone Cousins, Fone Bone, Phoney Bone and Smiley Bone are separated by a swarm of Locusts and lost in a vast, uncharted desert. Luckily, The Bones find a crudely drawn map...

One by one, they find their way into a deep, forested valley filled with wonderful and terrifying creatures.

With his head burnt from his encounter with the Dragon, Fone Bone meets Thorn. She promises him she'll help him find his cousins and get back to Boneville. A love struck Fone Bone replies, "Boneville?... What's Boneville?" Next, Thorn takes Fone Bone back to her Gran'ma's farmhouse where Phoney meets up with them. After some convincing, Gran'ma Ben lets the Bones stay.

The rat creatures, under direct orders of The Hooded One, surround Thorn and Fone Bone in the woods while other rat creatures attack the farmhouse. The Dragon saves the day again, but the rat creature's rise in activity bodes ill for our heroes.

The Spring Fair is in the air, and with it another one of Phoney's greedy scams--rigging the Great Cow Race! Phoney has Smiley dress up in a cow costume, then convinces everyone to bet all their livestock on The Mystery Cow, knowing Gran'ma Ben will win as she does every year! Smiley's big headed costume looks great, and so does the scam, until faithful Lucius bets his entire Tavern on Gran'ma Ben! (Phoney is slightly surprised.)

Phoney realizes the mystery cow now must win the race. So, he hops behind Smiley thinking it will help. They are in the lead! Until they meet up with Fone Bone running from a pack of hungry rat creatures! The race comes to a hilarious end, and Phoney gets what he deserves! After the race, Phoney Bone and Smiley Bone go with Lucius to the tavern to work off their debts. Fone Bone, Thorn and Gran'ma Ben go back to the farm.

After a long spell without having any dreams at all, Fone Bone begins to have some strange ones.

Fone Bone and Thorn discuss the unusual dreams they've been having. In Thorn's dreams, she is a young princess surrounded by dragons. She asks Fone Bone to get out the map the Bones found in the desert--she always thought it was connected to her dreams. It wasn't a dream after all! She drew the map when she was a little girl staying with the dragons at Deren Gard! But, Gran'ma Ben always told her dragons don't exist! Is Gran'ma Ben hiding something? What do their dreams mean?!

While Phoney and Smiley are working off their enormous debt to Lucius, Phoney's up to more money making schemes, and makes a bet with Lucius. The bet--divide the tavern in two, and in one month whoever has the most customers wins the Tavern!

When Thorn and Fone Bone confront Gran'ma with the map, Gran'ma reveals many secrets. Gran'ma was queen of Atheia, and Thorn is the only true heir to the throne--the princess! The rat creatures murdered Thorn's parents during the Big War many years ago, and Gran'ma took Thorn to live with the dragons for safety. Thorn's dreams were real, and she has many, many enemies!

Gran'ma Ben hears the news from the south that massive numbers of rat creatures are headed their way, so Gran'ma, Fone Bone, and Thorn are forced to set out on a dangerous journey through the valley, not knowing if they will ever see the farmhouse or their friends again...